

Social Media Marketing

Meta Outlines Key Areas of Focus, and Business Opportunity, Following Downbeat Earnings Report

Meta wants to reassure investors that it has a plan to get its revenue growth back on track.

Meta Reports Increasing Costs, Lower Ad Revenue in Q3 Performance Update

Some concerning signs in Meta's latest performance and revenue numbers.

LinkedIn Adds New Security Features, Including New Info on When an Account Was Created

Scammers on LinkedIn have been getting more attention of late...

LinkedIn Provides More Tools to Facilitate Internal Promotion and Movement

As businesses revise their recruitment strategies, LinkedIn's looking to help highlight opportunities.

Meta Launches Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns to Help Improve Campaign Performance

Meta's Advantage+ campaigns rely on automation to find the right audiences for your ads.

Google Expands ‘About This Result’ Panels to Europe, Launches New Digital Literacy Training Program

Google's new library training program will help educate older users in digital literacy. 

YouTube is Removing More Than 3k Channels Per Month Linked to China-Based Influence Campaigns

The latest TAG bulletin from Google underlines YouTube's ongoing efforts to stamp out Chinese-backed influence efforts.

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