

Social Media Marketing

YouTube Adds Simplified Tools To Edit Long Form Clips Into Shorts

An easy way to convert your existing YouTube content into Shorts clips.

Do You Need To Use Hashtags on LinkedIn?

Are hashtags still important on LinkedIn? We asked the LinkedIn team for the latest advice on this. 

Snapchat Announces New Parental Oversight and Management Improvements

Snapchat's giving parents more options to ensure they know what their kids are up to in the app.

WhatsApp Adds Custom Stickers, New Text Formatting Options on Android

Some new options for your WhatsApp chats.

Meta To Remove More Detailed Targeting Options for Ad Campaigns

More changes to your Facebook ad targeting options.

Microsoft Launches New Generative AI Ad Creation Tool

A new AI-powered tool for ad creation.

Google Cuts AR Staff Just as Tech Looks Set To Take a Significant Leap

With Apple and Meta looking to the next stage of AR, Google has seemingly taken a step back.

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