

Social Media Marketing

Twitter Scales Back Recommended Tweets in the Main Feed due to Engagement Impacts

Twitter's trying to build a more effective recommendation and discovery system - but it has its work cut out for it.

LinkedIn Shares New Data on Engagement and Ad Performance [Infographic]

Some key stats on LinkedIn engagement and performance.

Twitter Adds Annual Payment Option for Twitter Blue

Now, you can pay for a year in advance to keep your check mark - if you want.

Meta Signs New Deal with Shutterstock Over Usage of Content for AI Creation Tools

The deal will enable Meta to use Shutterstock content to fuel its AI models.

Twitter Launches Updated Tweet View Count Display

The new format better aligns with Twitter's existing metrics, which is an improvement on the display.

Discord Acquires Anonymous Teen Connection App ‘Gas’

Gas has proven highly popular among high school students, and could become a new challenger for Snapchat.

TikTok Expands State-Affiliated Media Labels to 40 Regions

Interesting timing for this update...

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