

Social Media Marketing

Twitter Shares New Insights on World Cup Engagement Leading into the Event [Infographic]

The 2022 World Cup is now less than 90 days away.

BeReal Rises to 10 Million Daily Active Users

BeReal is on the rise - but are there marketing opportunities in the app?

Google Tests New ‘Popular on Twitter’ Tweet Display Panel in Search Results

The new display could put more emphasis on your Twitter activity.

YouTube Expands Access to Audience Behavior Insights, Adds New Creative Tools for Community Posts

Some new tools for YouTubers to try out.

TikTok Launches New Cybersecurity Initiative, Highlighting Tips and Tools to Help Keep People Safe Online

New tips and pointers to help maximize your online safety.

YouTube’s Developing an Updated Shorts Player for Connected TVs, Along with Multi-Screen CTV Viewing

That could see a lot more people engaging with Shorts content, in a whole new way.

Google Adds New Viewer Attention Metrics for Display and Video 360 Campaigns

The new metrics will provide more insight into how people are viewing your video ads.

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