

Social Media Marketing

Pinterest Launches New System to Ensure Greater Representation Within Discovery Elements

Pinterest's new system will help to maximize inclusion within its search results.

TikTok’s Testing a New ‘Tako’ AI Chatbot Experience In the App

TikTok's looking to latch onto the generative AI trend.

YouTube’s Retiring YouTube Stories Next Month

Is the Stories format on the way out?

Surgeon General: More safeguards needed to protect youth from social media misuse

While there's growing evidence that social media use among teens is harmful, a public health advisory also said there are benefits to the connections.

Elon Musk Endorses the Idea of Shutting Down Twitter Circles

Twitter Circles could be on the way out, after just a year of availability.

Reddit Shares New Insights into How People Research Apps Within Subreddits [Infographic]

New insights from Reddit, which provides additional guidance as to what info Redditors are seeking from brands.

Ongoing Chinese Influence Operations Could Strengthen the Case for a TikTok Ban

As the White House considers TikTok's future in the US, the case against it could be growing.

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